
Gabung Komunitas Sukarelawan kami

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Dive Cleanup with Hidy Yu – January 2024

The S.E.A. Aquarium Research & Conservation team kicked off Ocean Advocates with a dive cleanup at Seringat-Kias Island.
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Volunteer Appreciation Day 2023

The S.E.A. Aquarium held its annual Volunteers Appreciation Day to thank our dedicated volunteers for their efforts.
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RWS - Ocean Advocates Triple Cleanup

Ocean Advocates Triple Cleanup

RWS joined Waterways Watch Society on a kayak cleanup at Kallang Basin, dive cleanup off Seringat-Kias Island and mangrove cleanup at Sungei Pangsua.
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Beach and Dive Cleanup at Bendera Bay

S.E.A. Aquarium Ocean Advocates held its first beach and dive cleanup with marine group Friends of Marine Park to clean up Bendera Bay on St. John’s Island.
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Citizen Science Prog

S.E.A. Aquarium Citizen Science Programme

S.E.A. Aquarium Research & Conservation team kick-started a citizen science programme by training the first batch of citizen scientists.
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Day 1

Volunteer Appreciation Day 2022

S.E.A. Aquarium Research & Conservation team held an Appreciation Day to celebrate the volunteers who help with ocean conservation.
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Beach Cleanup

SADEAF Beach Cleanup

S.E.A. Aquarium, Republic Polytechnic’s DEAFining & the Singapore Association of the Deaf held a beach cleanup tackling marine debris at East Coast Park.
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Dive Cleanup

Dive Cleanup 2022

S.E.A. Aquarium team collaborated with local marine conservation community group to organise a dive cleanup off the shores of Pulau Hantu West.
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